Thursday, March 5, 2009

phone call

Dexter works a lot. He has to since I can't really. So that leaves me with Flip for most of the day and a few evenings during the week. He is a good man, but he still has to work on a few things.

Most of the time we play phone tag and on those days when he finally gets a hold of me its late and watching Flip makes for a very long day. He calls me tonight and Flip is making a ton of noise with a toy (which I discovered later was him permanently ruining my hardwood floors). Along with the noise is my hunger/hormones so Dexter says to me, as he is headed to play in his league soccer game, that its "difficult to talk to me." Wait, was that irritation?!?! Its almost 9pm, Flip is going downhill fast, the dogs are barking, Im hungry and in my usual horrible mood and he is irritated.

WHOA WHOA WHOA. He has got it all wrong. He is going to play--PLAY--as in for fun. And Im at home with insane-o child, the uncontrollable puppy, a headache that has been there all day (you know this list could go on for a lot longer). Well, forgive me for not answering the phone with a "good evening, my love." I cant hear and I certainly dont want a rundown of his day at that precise moment. HONESTLY what does he expect??!?!

I think dads need to stay at home at least 1 day a month to be reminded of the constant chaos. Then if they decide to call they will remember to just ask if there is anything the mom needs and to say they are coming home as fast as they can (since they remember that having an audience every time you pee gets old).

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