Sunday, March 13, 2011

I wish I could...

I was talking to my sister the other day and she commented on how groggy I sounded. 

"Oh, I just got up from a nap," I said.
"I wish I could do that," she replies sarcastically.
"Do what?  Wake up half a dozen times a night because your kids are sick and therfore need a nap the next day or nap like on a carefree Sunday afternoon?" I ask.

Non-parents can be so infuriating! Yes, I get to sleep till 7:30 or 8 every morning and then nap some afternoons, but only because I haven't slept 3 consecutive hours in over 5 years.  Non-parents must really be looking forward to the days they can have the easy-breezy stay at home job instead of the difficult and energy draining desk job.  You know, the one where you are surrounded by adults and have phone conversations, drink HOT coffee, and have an hour to eat lunch.  Sure there is a bunch of shit, but with a desk job you don't have to smell it!

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