Friday, March 18, 2011

The full moon and me

Its a full moon tonight.  I love it when the moon is full.  Its beautiful and my evening walk with the dog is more enjoyable somehow.  But the real reason I like the full moon is because its the one day out of the month that I pawn off my grouchiness on something other than me.

Today I am especially grouchy because I gave up and decided it was time to alter my food intake.  That's right...I'm dieting.  No sugar for 3 weeks and very little carbs.  Then I can gradually add some things back in, like fruit, but only in very small amounts.  Half a cup to be exact.  Do you realize how small half a cup is?!?!? REALLY, REALLY SMALL.

So basically, I'm starving and everyone has noticed.  Flip was trying to get my attention today and I just couldn't focus.  Coooooookies...cooooookies...chips...coookies..."MOM!"  And then I'm suddenly snapped out of my carbohydrate revelry.  And as my imaginary meal of sugar laden carbs evaporated so did my calm demeanor that I save for when I'm in public.  "WHAT FLIP!?!?!"

His face drops and he slowly and insecurely brings around the page he colored for me from behind his back.  I crushed him!  I'm a horrible, horrible, hungry mother.  Poor Flip.  "Mom, I'm just trying to be nice to you."

Oh gosh,  I'm about as sweet as a werewolf right now.  Dexter even noticed my moodiness was more than normal for the end of a toddler filled day.  Fitting into my jeans better be worth it.  Dexter said I will look even better, but he is certain by the end of my 3 weeks we won't be on speaking terms so he isn't exactly sure why I bother.

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