This famous economic law can be applied to motherhood as well . Simply insert your own words! This could be a great mom's drinking game!
If one factor increases while the rest remain constant then the overall returns will diminish after a certain point.
For example:
If the number of children born in your home increases while your husbands income remains constant then overall it will suck...sooner than later.
If the number of loads of laundry increase while the number of arms you have remains constant then you will be tired after the 3rd load.
If the amount of weight you gain increases while the number of size 6 clothes remains constant then you will be standing in your closet crying while trying to explain to your husband that nothing fits and to keep his slimy hands off of you.
If the number of hours running around yelling "NO" and "STOP THAT" increase while the hours your husband watches TV remains constant then HE will start to experience diminishing returns :)
Isn't this fun??!?!?! Try it!
hehehe that's a good one.