Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The budget we have in place is a necessity.  A few years back Dexter discovered Dave Ramsey.  And ever since we have strived to pay off school loans, credit cards and pay everything in cash.  Although it has cramped my shopping style, it has been a marriage saver.

But its not without its difficulties.  We decided (before Flip hit the terrible twos) that I should raise the kids - not some daycare.  So we budget everything based off of Dexter's salary which sadly has not increased in relation to the size of the family or Flip's growth spirt rates.

So I tend to be very conscious of wasteful behaviors.  For example, this Sunday (which is supposed to be my day to get just me ready NOT the kids, so naturally I get the kids ready) Flip was dispensing way too much toothpaste onto his brush.  I immediately scolded him (rather loudly) so Dexter comes to his aide.  He gets frustrated when I yell at the children, but someone has to keep a tight ship.  That toothpaste is not overly expensive, but neither is the shampoo that he squirted out all over the shower, or the toast and yogurt he left half eaten that morning. 

Its tough being the family asset manager - which is what Dexter tells folks instead of me being a stay at home mom.  I now see my mother in a much better light.  I just thought she was mean and cheap (we never had name brand stuff)...no, she just made sure we had money to pay for everything we needed.  Good job Mom!

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