Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This was the 1st Christmas that I finally understood what I once saw on a cocktail napkin. Forced Family Fun. Thats what it seemed like anyway. I suppose that the days of enjoying yourself over the holidays are gone. Seriously, who wants to sit down on Thanksgiving Day? I would much rather prepare and cook and hold the baby on my hip for hours only to be interuppted by Flip begging me to play cars. Where is your FATHER? Why isnt he entertaining you while I cook for the masses? Oh, he is busy playing 4 square--yes, the game we played in elementary school. Silly me, of course he would send his son in to ask me to play, nobody likes potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner anyway.

And how boring would it be to actually sit through the entire meal that you slaved all day over? I would much rather be interrupted to change Vivians diaper or play cars with Flip (again). I dont even like to eat my meals hot--disgusting!

And so thats how it went...I cooked for the Father in Laws bday dinner while holding Vivian and playing cars. I baked bread and cookies for every get together and Christmas party while decorating the tree and the house - BY MYSELF!

Then there is the driving. Pack half the house in the car, get the kids strapped in, sit in traffic, arrive at destination, play with kids, change diapers, pack up car and head home. I do the same exact thing everyday at home except I just added in a lot of packing and unpacking and driving. FUN!

Add to that a very sick baby and a three year old who must test every boundary you set and you have yourself some FORCED FAMILY FUN.

Its times like this that I wish I was a man--but then I'd have to learn to walk with all that stuff hanging down in between my on second thought, nevermind.

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