I do hold Vivian almost all day...in fact she is snoozing in my lap as I blog. I enjoy most days because I'm a snuggly kinda person (I know thats hard to imagine if you only know my blog and somewhat foul language). Its true, I hold my babies while I can. This however is hard for men to accomplish successfully for long periods of time (i.e. more than 2 minutes). It always amazes me that men are in charge of so much. They make more money, get much more respect from car salesmen, rule most countries...the list goes on. But it takes a little baby to incapacitate them. They cant stomach the poo, the crying, the puking, the midnight feedings, and other tough things like holding them. Its all too much for the stronger sex.
My father comes to visit Vivian and he gags when Vivian poos. And he can hardly keep her wiggly-self in his lap while he watches TV. Grandkid #2 is here, and the whole interaction thing is lost to him still.
Dexter grabs her up in his arms as soon as he gets home but gives her back almost immediately because of the serious case of instantaneous bowel movements. He also cant seem to figure out how to hold her without getting baby-elbow.
Both of these men went to Georgia Tech and are very very intelligent, but leave it up to Vivian to make them seem a little less than manly men who cant take poopy diapers and extra long baby holding sessions. I hold this kid all day all while I do laundry, wash dishes, type emails, facebook, make calls, cook dinner and play cars--ONE HANDED. So since I am superior to men in this aspect I wanted to brag about my awesomeness.
I almost made it through a post without some positiveness--sorry to disappoint all you glass-half-empty moms out there. It happens every now and then--but trust me it only lasts till the kids wake from their naps :)
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