Saturday, November 7, 2009

Long time, no post

Well, my adoring fans thats what happens when you have kids. Eating and sleeping come before blogging. But fear not--I have lots to bitch about...

I think I will title my next series of rants "WTF."

WTF 1:
Apparently holding a baby causes instantaneous bowel movements in Dexter. Seriously, within mere minutes of relieving me of the little Vivian I get called back. I have held that (sweet, adorable) child ALL DAY LONG and you cant let me have 5 minutes to myself.

Come on! When are moms supposed to shower, eat, relax our arm, or go to the potty ourselves. FRICK, its annoying. I even called Dexter out on it and he doesnt believe me. I told him to do "that" at work. I swear men just dont get it. And its not the baby, everyday I love my little girl more and more, but a little help from #1 dad (or should I say #2 dad) would be welcome.

He works all day to pay the bills, but he doesnt get what I have termed Vivian-elbow. Its like a tennis elbow, but comes from holding a heavy baby for long periods of time. So now its like a running joke at our house...Dexter just approaches me smiling. He knows Im right. He heads to the head and I get to cuddle a little more.

If this happens to you, just remember to NOT let them take the phone with them--too many games.

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