Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Work all day, facebook all night

Dexter is the breadwinner in the family and is very good as his job. I am proud of him and appreciate his hard work. Now that I said that let me begin my daily rant.

Why is it that the first thing this man does when he gets home is start a game on the computer or sit in front of the TV. I don't care how rough his day was...he still got a break for lunch and spent its entirety speaking with adults--none of which he had to change their diaper because they pooped. I understand he may need some time to ponder or just be quiet, but that's what Atlanta traffic is for. He gets a good 45 minutes each way to himself.

I, on the other hand, am going non stop after Flip or the dogs. And believe me that is a full time job. So think of potty training, puppy training, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, the guy coming to fix the dryer, the phone ringing, the occasional important real estate call or email I need to answer. Then throw in a lot of crying (from Flip) and whining (from us both) on top of some morning sickness and you have a full day with not a moment to myself. When there is a toddler and a puppy in the house you have to watch both at ALL times. That gets old around 5 pm. Trust me.

They stop being bundles of joy as soon as the doctor sends you home from the hospital. Then it is just work, thankless, sleepless months and years of work and worry--till they move out. Man, I'm tired and Flip is not even three for another month. And I get to start all over again. YIPPEE.

Flip has gotten to the age where no one is more fun than Daddy. He talks about Daddy or asks when he is coming home ALL day long. Its very sweet and Dexter always gets the best welcome home from little Flip with jumping, hugs and kisses (actually the dogs to that too). So why is it then that he immediately heads for the computer?!?!?!

Flip wants his dad, I want to pee or shower alone, the dogs want to play and Dexter has to watch a show or check on his online mafia or his email or his facebook. Great. Wonderful. Just explain to little Flip why you must ignore him and look at that little screen. Please, is there ANYONE who can explain this stupidity to me? Why did we even get a DVR?????????

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