Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Offspring

It has come to my attention that some of you would like to see the kiddos.  First, I must warn you they are cute.  Because they are cute it makes my stories harder to believe.  Don't let those sweet faces fool you, my kids are a bundle of trouble x 1010 

You have been warned...
 Mr. "Oh, you're having a good day...I can fix that" Flip

Notice the dog.  She would like to leave since she is afraid of the miniature adults, but Flip has a good grip on her collar.  Shortly after this picture was taken I released the dog.  
This picture is really of a 5 year old.  He looks pensive and mature, but there is a lot of boy behind that face!

Miss. "Why say it when you can scream it" Vivian
I wish Vivian looked that his all the time, but in reality she has pulled her "tig tail" out, has snot constantly coming out her nose, and drool has soaked her clothing through.  Add a little high pitched screaming and you have Vivian in her true state. 
She really does look like a sweetheart here, and she can be.  Vivian just spaces the sweet moments far apart so she can get her daily screaming in.
So there you have beloved, crazy children.