Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Obsession

PINTEREST!  I love it. I think I'm going to marry it.  Its fabulous, absolutely fabulous.  Pinning is almost better than chocolate - almost. 

At first I didn't see the draw to it.  My sister, Buffy, insisted I sign up.  Which I reluctantly did a few months later and now all I can think of are all the pins I have missed in these last few months.  All those hours I have wasted washing clothes, dishes or my hair when I could have been productively pinning and filling my boards.  WHAT A WASTE!

Now that I see the wisdom of hours of pinning I'm trying desperately to get my family to understand or at least accept my new obsession.  I mean, seriously folks, this is LIFE CHANGING work I'm involved in.  There are clothes that I will probably never wear, house ideas I will never be able to afford, and crafts I will never attempt. But I MUST pin it to my boards. 

Vivian, that dirty diaper can wait...I'm pinning!  Do you pinterest?  Wanna follow each other!?!?!?