Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I love my son's simplified view of the world.  At five he has already discovered some truths that many adults have yet to realize.  Recently Flip has been copying Vivian's rebellion that parents refer to as the Terrible Twos.  Apparently Flip wants to revert back to the Dark Ages - that's how I remember his rebellion.

I was getting on to him again and he eventually surrendered in the form of the crumpled cry (where the child's limbs give out and then crumple to the ground while scrunching their face and emitting horrible sounds and copious amounts of tears).  VICTORY!  Its actually not my goal to reach this outcome, they both do it all on their own.

After he calms down Flip tells me, "Mom, I don't know why I do bad stuff, the world gives me bad stuff and I just do it."  To which I respond, "Well, were do good things come from?"  "From God and Jesus," he states.  Wow!  He is only 5 and he has figured out what took me years.  But that's not it, he sums it up like this: "If you want good things and not bad things then you have to ask Jesus."

There you have it.

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