Sunday, April 19, 2009

I can complain!

My sister informed me that I haven't been complaining lately...well, I can change that for my adoring audience. Lets see what part of my 10 month journey is particularly troublesome, physically I'm much larger--obviously--and that makes bending over, tying shoes and cutting toe nails increasingly difficult. Soon Dexter will be painting my toenails for me. He did this when I was pregnant with Flip (I have pictures) because I cried about my feet in stirrups with chipped polish--Horrors! Like that even crossed my mind while I was in labor. I don't think I could ever be big like this permanently, I would loose weight just because my belly is so annoying.

Another thing that is happening is the my stomach is getting squished even more. So there is less room for food and if I eat more that a few ounces I get heartburn and burp like my dad. Its not very ladylike. So now I graze every hour and I'm back on a bland diet to keep the heartburn situation under control. I still have three months and it will only get worse. Joy!

Speaking of getting worse, my veins on my legs are so incredibly painful. Even with a compressive brace it just burns. And its running up my leg (and to other areas that makes anything you do uncomfortable) so basically it looks real gross. I don't like to look at it, so I feel bad for everyone else that does especially now that its shorts weather--no, I really don't care, but I am getting some major procedures done after all the breeding is over with. The leg veins will be smoothed out and the girls are going back where they belong!

All I gotta say is that you better think long and hard before you decide to have kids, because if you are the slighest bit vain like me then its going to take someone with an MD at the end of their name to fix the problems that pregnancy brings about.

I do have some good news though...the ultrasound shows that I will be having a girl. Yeah! We needed a little more estrogen in the house (no doubt I will laugh at this thought when she turns 16). Although we did even it out a little since we got the puppy neutered, but he still annoys the hell out of me. Dexter actually asked if I would love on the puppy some since the puppy wouldn't leave him alone. HA! Just the other day he was talking about getting another. HAHAHA! Right, let me add another helpless creature to my list of stuff that I have to watch over that cant poop in the toilet. In fact, lets get another right now...

I dont get it sometimes, I really dont.

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