Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kids & Dogs

As you may know I have two large dogs.  Like my kids, I love them, but find I have less patience for them than is really required.  I have found some other similarities between my 4 children and as I laugh, in the back of my mind I am worried that this may be a trend.

First, the dogs use the facilities outdoors.  While I was potty training Flip I would point this out to show him how easy it is and that most folks relieve themselves in places other than their pants - even dogs.  So naturally, he wants to pee outside (and occasionally poo as I have been informed by the neighbors).  It was cute a first but not so much now.  We spend a lot of time outside and Flip still asks if he can "Go pee in a bush."

Second, after a long walk I will turn the hose on and let the dogs drink from it.  For some reason this is way more fun than drinking from their water dish (see I'm not all mean and spite, I let the people and animals I care for have things that they like).  Well on a particularly hot day after our morning walk, I turned the hose on and let the dogs have their fill.  As I walk to shut it off I see Vivian out of the corner of my eye.  She has picked up and the hose and is drinking from it.  She must have been thirsty since this went on for a few minutes.

Third, I have noticed that Vivian now will have her quiet time (for you non-parents this is the time that children have run out of energy and sit or lay down quietly; it is rare and a child should never be roused from this state prematurely) on the dogs' bed.  She will often go there and the dogs will stand there and look from me to her.  I imagine them asking - if they could - if I would move the small child from their bed. 

These three instances are not very alarming, but if you stop and see the trend you might shudder to think what they will pick up on next.  Like will they start to lick?  Or growl (oh, well there is #4, Vivian growls all the time)?  The dogs are looking to be more like older siblings that teach the younger bad habits, but instead of cuss words the kids are learning how to do things that don't require opposable thumbs.

1 comment:

  1. Ahahaha! Trying not to laugh too loud un the office. Guess I should work instead of blog...
