Friday, May 20, 2011

Disturbing Trend

So I recently had to go shopping for some new shirts.  After I had each kid my body was different.  After I finally finished nursing my body was even more different.  Basically, I have had to shop A LOT in the past few years.  After loosing the last few pounds of baby weight (shut up, I am perfectly aware the Vivian is almost 2) I found myself in the closet crying on Sunday morning because I had nothing to wear.  Dexter didn't believe me, so I tried on everything he suggested.  Every outfit hung in places it shouldn't and clung in places that wasn't so flattering.  So it wasn't a typical woman in the closet meltdown.  It was real...sincere...annoying (especially for Dexter).

So off to the store I went.  I shop in an odd way.  I pick up everything I could possibly want and then as I head to the checkout I replace things on the rack as feelings of guilt from spending too much money overwhelm me.  Then once I check out with 2 shirts instead of twenty I go home and leave them in the bag in case I need to return one more to sooth my still guilty conscious.  Its a vicious cycle.

I did end up finding some shirts that I liked.  Cute tops that I could throw a cardigan over to make them work appropriate.  I was wearing one last night though and noticed how if I leaned over the slightest bit I was virtually giving a peep show.  I got home and tried on another and moved around to simulate the normal movements I repeat all day (bending over picking up toys or mid-tantrum kids off the floor).  The same result...too low cut.  And I know its not me - my boobs didn't miraculously go back to their pre-motherhood position.  This is a disturbing trend.  I either have to wear the clothes that are too tight but not low cut or the correct fitting yet low cut variety.  Its not really a win-win situation. 

I guess I could take up sewing since I am a Little Miss Susie Homemaker and just mend them in my spare time!

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