Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Flood Gates are Open!

Up until a few days ago I really like my refrigerator.  It has performed its job very well, and it even has one of those nifty ice and water dispensers.  But now I am certain it was sent from the depths of Hell to torture me. 

This is because it lacks a key feature to the nifty ice and water dispenser...a lock button!  Vivian started bringing me FULL cups of water.  At first I thought she was bringing me cups that Flip had left on the edge of the counter.  But she didn't stop!  I have a drawer with all the kid friendly plates, bowls and cups that Vivian can reach.  So after the third cup (OK OK I was doing something on the computer so I just thanked her for bringing them to me and didn't really pay attention to what she was doing) I decided to follow her.  Low and behold, she not only can she reach and open the drawer, she can reach the water dispenser!

So I observed as she stood in a pool of spilled water and filled up her forth cup.  She saw me watching and immediately broke out into a huge grin - she was so proud of her accomplishment.  I thanked her for the forth full cup of water.  Then I looked high and low, behind, inside and above for the kid lock on the fridge.  But its not there.  It never was.  My fridge is faulty, my floor is wet and Vivian has taken every container she can get her hands on and filled it with water.

Clearly the person who designed this fridge doesn't spend 14 + hours alone with just toddlers in the house.  Clearly the person who designed this fridge has thought long and hard about everything except what really matters.  I hold my fridge, its designer and all appliances with buttons, features, or gadgets that are within reach of toddlers with very, very low regard.

Seriously, do the appliance designers not realize that these items go in homes...homes where families live?!?!?
So if you are in need of a new appliance and have kids, make sure you take them to the store to test out potential purchases.  If you don't have kids but plan on it, then you can borrow mine.

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