Monday, August 17, 2009

time for an update

Yes, I know its been months. When you get to be the whale of a woman that I was right before I had my little girl, all you want to do is lay down with the fan and a/c on full blast. I mean, I wanted to complain via blogging, I just lacked the energy.

So my little bundle of joy, Vivian, joined us a little over a month ago and Im happy to report that she is one easy baby. I had the pleasure of a super fast labor--although it was too fast for the epidural to kick in completely. I was like one of those women on TV that screams her head off while clutching the bed and giving eat shit looks to her husband. But Vivian came and I admit, I have already fallen a victim of the amnesia phenomenon.

Motherhood x 2 is quite a lot of work. And Flip is not making it any easier. He is in his "why" stage which is cute for like a minute. But now that we have been in it for a solid 3 months Im ready to ram my head against the wall. He asks me EVERY time I feed Vivian "Why is she hungry?" Why does she need to eat all the time?" "Why does she make those noises?" "Why does she burp?" And that lasts the entire time. Argh.

The questions are asked for every activity..."Why does she need her diaper changed?" "Why does she poop?" "Why is she crying?" "Why is she sleepy?" "Why does she want to be held?"

"WHY?" "WHY?" "WHY?" "WHY?" "WHY?" "WHY?" "WHY?" "WHY?"

"Why me?"

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