Monday, August 17, 2009


Im a cow. Im nursing my sweet little Vivian aka Piglet and I can already envision the day when I will throw away my 36 H bra--yes thats right H. These things are huge and heavy. Dexter thinks they are awesome, but too bad since they are off limits for him.

I know its good for the baby to nurse and its kinda cute when they snuggle down for a meal, but after a month Im missing my C cup, running, and my back not aching. Plus nursing in public is not fun. Im too modest for all that. I have been retreating to the car if Vivian gets hungry while we are out and about.

And then there is Flip who has started to ask about my boobs way too much..."Why does Vivian eat that way?" I dont like discussing my boobs with my 3 yr old--Ya know.

1 comment:

  1. did you hear about the mom in chik fil a breastfeeding?

    she staged a 'nurse-in'
