"Hi my name is Vicki and I am a Pyramid Scheme Party Pooper."
"Hi Vicki."
"I like parties without agendas. I like parties with friends (and booze). I like parties with conversations not presentations. No, I don't like to bring my checkbook to parties - it won't fit in my sparkly evening bag. I don't want to see how this bowl will make my life better. I don't want to see how this creme will make my zits disappear. I don't want to see how this new fruit juice will make my day longer while seeming shorter and loose ten pounds in the process. NO NO NO! I want to feel comfortable, not obligated. And I would not like to "host" a "party." So please stop asking. And believe me, you won't make $1,000+ a month selling this way because a lot of other people feel the same way as me...they are also poor like me. Thank you."
"Thank you for sharing Vicki."