Sunday, January 16, 2011


It is really hard to make a good friend once you are out of school.  It is even harder once you have settled down to the burbs and started popping out kids.  At this point in my life I am supposed to be engrossed in my house, husband and children.  Since I'm not into that 24/7 I want friends.

The problem is my old friends still party because they are either single or childless.  So that never works out.  Another issue is I live so far away from what cool people consider acceptable nightlife or visitable venues.  That coupled with the fact I still have to wake up multiples times at night and then very early each morning makes the whole party till dawn very unappealing to me.

So I have to find mom-friends.  Mom-friends know what its like on this side of the stirrups so they don't ask you to meet them at 11pm for drinks downtown.  They want to meet at Chick fil A, where there is an indoor playground and a glass wall to separate you and the screaming kids within.  It works great for about 10 minutes and then they come out to bug you in 45 second intervals, but those first 10 minutes make it worth it.

Or the playground, but the geniuses that designed all the playgrounds near me were surely men.  I say this because they are all near the road and are not enclosed - nightmare for moms with more than one kid.  But that rant is for another blog and another day.

Unfortunately all the mom friends I have met are not as fabulous as me.  This makes it difficult to hang around them.  Remember, I not some hick who started popping out babies cause I got knocked up - oh, wait, I am.  But in my defense I am quasi intelligent and I hope to find mom-friends who want to discuss deeper matters than the latest Tupperware party.

I was really excited when I met one mom who had the potential to be a mom-friend.  She was cool, young and a redhead (that's a plus because we are different therefore it adds another layer of bonding).  She has a personality!  We chat about real stuff!  Are kids play for more than ten minutes before nagging us!  Our husbands meet and are getting along! Do you know how hard this is?!?!?  I hit the freakin JACKPOT! Not only do I like her, but our husbands and kids play well together too!

All I gotta say is FRIENDS 4EVER!

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