Monday, May 2, 2011

Daddy's Soccer Game

Dexter loves soccer.  He was playing about the time he started walking.  He coaches it and once a week the coaches team up and and play each other.  Every week he asks us to come and every week I am in my right mind and make up an excuse.

But once a season, I say yes thinking that this time it will be different.  This time the kids will watch the game on the sidelines.  This time the kids will understand and not cry uncontrollably when I tell them that they cannot go onto the field to be with Daddy.  This time they will not kick any soccer balls on the field so that they game must be stopped.

Yesterday's game was not this time.  We went because we had hardly seen Dexter all week.  As the soccer season approaches the end there are more practices, more games, more tournaments and less Dexter.  So a cheer went up in the car as we headed to the fields instead of straight home after church. 

Loaded up with snacks, drinks and a few toys we head to the field to go see Daddy play.  That's when it went down hill.  Vivian wanted to run around the parking lot and Flip already spotted Daddy.  Neither would listen and come stay with me.  Vivian got sand in her shoes and had to take them off, Flip brought his whistle and blew it in my ear the entire shoe removal process.  The lines on the field were barely visible from a full weekend of games so Flip decided to cross it and every time he did the referee let me know.  Vivian colored for a little bit before devouring her crayons and then crying because they were wet and unusable.  She then cried more when she spilled her water on her pants.  A few drops is enough for an all out melt down.  Flip and Vivian found a few extra soccer balls and were certain the players needed more on the field, so they kicked them out towards the middle.  Then they fussed and cried because I wouldn't let them retrieve the balls or go see Daddy.

Basically the fun night ended with me watching the kids who were outside the fenced in field literally on the ground crying for their dad.  Sadly, none of us really had a chance to watch the game.  As soon as the final whistle blew, I released the kids to their dad and headed to the car by myself. 

This experience will stay fresh in my memory until the end of next season when I will try again...

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