Thursday, January 7, 2010

Letter to an Idiot

Dear Sir (yes I know for a fact its a man; explanation below),
You are an idiot. You are an idiot for designing baby outfits that are fastened with snaps. When was the last time you saw a baby? They squirm, constantly. Correction, they squirm all their waking hours. At night they are relatively docile and it should be easier to snap without wrestling their little legs down, but the thing is we moms must keep the lights off so they dont wake up thinking its morning. So by the time we have them snapped in, we realize one button was missed and we have to unsnap and start all over again. This is most annoying.

The reason I know you are a man is because you have designed something cute yet ridiculous, useless, and frustrating. No woman, especially a mom, would put snaps or buttons on anything. Zippers! Great invention, go check it out sometime.

Mom on the search for footed fleece outfits with zippers.

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