Friday, October 15, 2010


Flip is a sweet little boy.  He is polite and loves his preschool.  He plays with his dogs, give spontanious hugs and all the other cute, endearing things that four year olds do.  But, he is four, therefore, he is a tattletale.

"MOM, Vivian is on my bed!"
"MOM, Vivian took my red truck!"
"MOM, Vivian opened the door...Vivian is bothering me...Vivian is in my way...Vivian is sitting on the dog...Vivian took her shoe off...Vivian is eating a cracker..."

If she sneezes, coughs, blinks, or moves I hear about it.  But how is it that Flip doesnt think its important to tell me that she is in his bathroom squirting glass cleaner all over the place and herself?  Hmm?  I thought he was my vigilante.  I guess since she was making Flip laugh and not irritating him it was OK to let this little behavior pass.  Clearly I need to teach him the difference between what is and is not worthy of telling me.  Clearly I need to babyproof the bathroom!



  1. That's why everything is on top of the refrigerator and the cabinets in my house. Everything in my house has been broken or sticky since 1993.

  2. Haha! Based on this and the next post, seems like you've got a lot of baby proofing to do. Maybe you should proof the waffle house too!
